
The work is always accomplished one word at a time

Stephen King

NEW! Virtual Content Management


Introducing our new Virtual Content Manager packages!

You’re probably wondering, “what exactly does a Virtual CM do?”

Put it this way, Accountants look after your numbers, right? Well, Content Managers look after your words!

Imagine having your very own writer and contributor on hand whenever you needed any content produced (and let’s face it, having a business means having plenty of things to write about!)

Our Virtual CM packages allow you to work with HartLines on a retainer basis, enabling continuous access to the copy of your choice, as well as regular support and mentoring throughout the content creation process.

This is a great option for businesses looking for ongoing assistance with their print-media and marketing materials.



A blog or article is a fantastic way to highlight your businesses products, offerings, skills or experiences.

Audiences love getting a deeper insight, or 'behind the scenes' look at the products they're interested in, and letting them into that space says you're proud of what you do - and so you should be!

Posting regular blogs not only increases your exposure online (i.e Google searches), but are also a great leverage to your social media - with chain reactions of shares, likes, tags and comments all generating a wider interest in YOU.

Email Sequences


Email sequences are an extremely popular and very successful way of engaging your audience, by maintaining a regular relationship that lets subscribers feel exclusive to your business.

Setting up a regular mailing list means you can market your product/service/offerings etc on a consistent basis, so clients always feel on top of what's new.

It may be as simple as a 'welcome/introduction' email, followed by an engagement email that includes an introductory offer and a follow-up email with any news, updates or promotions.

Whatever you choose, the main aim is to keep your clients interested and engaged in your business.

Website Copy


Some of the most important content you want to nail is what goes into your website. What your site says about you and your business can mean the difference between a potential customer choosing to engage with you or not.

This makes your website content a crucial part of your marketing strategy.

Not only is it an outline of the services/products/offerings you provide, but it also allows the personality of your brand to shine, by using the right tone of voice and relatable language.

Getting the perfect balance of words for this can be challenging, so we're here to ease that burden, so you can get back to business.

Social Media Copy


Whether you've dabbled in it, have become a seasoned pro, or know zilch about how it works, there's no denying the power of social media.

These days, it can be hard to keep up with the demand of remaining relevant by posting to your social media pages on a regular basis.

Wouldn't it be nice to have all the content you need for your captions already done, so all you have to do is hit post or schedule? Absolutely!

We take all the things you want to say, share, promote, highlight or market, and condense them into a bite-sized series of crowd-pleasing, punchy posts, that's sure to stop them scrolling.

Media Releases


Journalism has been an integral background of HartLines, and this means you're in the hands of an experienced professional who knows the 'ins and outs' of grabbing the attention of the media.

A media release is an 'official' statement delivered to news outlets, for the sole purpose of providing information.

They're not as 'fluffy' or creative as other versions of content (though they can be!) - but are instead focused on presenting the raw facts or the story to the media, and often include a contact for further comment.

These are great for openings, latest news, updates, events, launches, new products and anything considered 'newsworthy'.

Plus, coming soon…


Ask about our NEW audio/visual services launching later this year, including voice-over and social media video.