For the numbers people

This blog is both a dedicated shout out and recognition for all the digit dealers out there!

Let’s face it, most people favour either numbers or words (with the exception of those who’s heads are bulging with cells for both!).

Even if you’re particularly strong at understanding either, there’s always a slight tendency to favour one or the other.

Ever since I was a kid staring at the numbers on the board that demonstrated mathematical mysteries, I was in awe of anyone who could make sense of what looked like black magic!

Adding and subtracting? Ok, cool – makes sense, and yeh I’ll use that in everyday life – great!

Multiplying and dividing? Yeh sure, I can see how you’re trying to get tricky, but I’m not lost just yet. 

But, hang on, who are these incoming intruders? Geometry...Calculus…Algebra…Statistics & Probability… 

Any fellow word hounds or number evaders like me will know, that even the thought of these concepts can leave an uncomfortable cloud of ‘what the…’ in the head!

Studies say that it’s the parietal lobe areas of the brain that are central to processing and calculating numbers, and the frontal lobe that contributes to recalling numerical memory.

So, if you’re in banking, accounting, data research, IT or any field that requires a mathematical mind – it seems these areas of your brain are working overtime.

The reason I write this? Because you (my number nerds) and I are the perfect pairing in a collaboration superstorm!

Put us together, and we could rule the world!…(or a tiny non-earthly planet with use for numbers and words)

But seriously, coming from someone that never pretends to know anything about dealing with digits, THANK YOU for helping people like me navigate through a world practically built on numbers!


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